Six Things You Should Know About Moving To A New State


Six Things You Should Know About Moving To A New State

When moving to a new state it is very important to know and be comfortable with a huge change.  The most important thing to be is prepared.  From my personal experience, there is definitely things I didn't know that would have helped me a lot when I first moved out of state.  Here are six things everyone should think about before moving to a new state. 
Image result for goodwill1. Only pack what is important to you.
When I moved to Tennessee in 2012,  I was only 11 years old.  When my family first started packing for our big move, we packed almost everything we owned.  We didn't think anything was anything wrong with packing all of our stuff.  When we finally got to our new home in Tennessee, we realized that packing everything we owned was a bad idea.  Instead of going through clothing and donating all of the stuff that didn't fit or didn't want anymore, we took everything with us.  Unpacking the boxes in our new house was very chaotic and messy.  We had way to much stuff and no where to put it all.  We decided to go through it all and give it to goodwill and other local thrift stores.  We donated clothing and toys.  
Image result for tenager loving her room
2. Ask to decorate your room.
After I moved out of state, I got a new room and a new opportunity to decorate it they way I wanted. Having a decorated room makes it easier for teenagers and also young children to be more relaxed.  Knowing you're able to go home at night and hangout in a room that is decorated with your favorite pictures and colors make it easier to relax. You will feel more comfortable and at home. 
A parent and her high school student
Parents searching for the right
 high school match should evaluate
both a school's culture and its academic record
3. Make sure the you like your new school
When moving out of state it is very important that you try out all the available schools in your new area.  Going to a school that you love is extremely important.  Going to a school that you love can positively affect your life in many ways.  Making sure that you take tours and have meetings at every school is a good way to make sure that you're on the right path to success.  Going to a school with a good academic program is essential to your future.  Making sure that the school you go to puts you on the right path and is preparing you for your future is a must.  When I moved to Tennessee, I toured two schools and talked to their counselors and made sure that I really liked the school and its' atmosphere before I decided which one to go to. 
Image result for why community service important
4. Get involved in the community.
Why is community service important? Getting involved in your community is an awesome way to make friends not only for children but also for adults. Making friends that live close by is really helpful because it lets people become more open to doing new things and meeting new people.  Doing community service and taking care of where you live is really important.  It's important to your community that you take care of it.   
Image result for old maps on kingsport tennessee
5. Research your new city.
Knowing the history of your new town is also a good idea.  Knowing the history of your town or city gives you a chance to be able to relate to the people whose family might have lived there for generations.  Some ways to research your new city or town is to go to the local library.  They might have historical books on record.  Another way to find out information about your town is to talk to some of the people who have lived there for a long time. Another good idea would to look at old maps and see what is different. 
Image result for downtown kingsport murals6. Explore.
Every new town is full of surprises.  Driving around and looking at old buildings or new places is super fun.  Your city might have beautiful murals or look outs that are amazing photo opportunities. 

Moving to a new state is very challenging but can be an awesome new way of life.  When moving to a new state it is a good idea to think about all six of these topics. 



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